School closed – what are we going to do?

The school is closed due to the Corona pandemic. The duration of the closure is until April 6, but an extension cannot be ruled out.

In order to continue with the lessons of this block / semester, I would suggest the following:

  • The practicals for the courses DSD and DSPESE are fully available in the zip files on this site and via SVN.
    • The DSD practicum must be performed with an Altera DE10 board. This board can be purchased from Engineering’s materials service, or it can be purchased independently.
    • The DSPESE practicum can be performed almost entirely without additional hardware (assignments 1-4). Practical setup is necessary for assignment 5. This assignment will remain for the time being, but if it eventually turns out that the school will also be closed in block four, an alternative will be presented.
  • The theory lessons are cancelled. This is replaced by self-study according to the study guides DSD and DSPESE. In addition, a question time will be organized every week via Skype or Microsof Teams.

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