STM32F05x microcontroller

The introduction to the course about the STM32F05x microcontroller discusses the course contents, the tools used and recommended literature.

STM32F05x Introduction

You can also directly jump to one of the lessons:

STM32F05x Lesson 1: GPIO
STM32F05x Lesson 2: USART
STM32F05x Lesson 3: Standard Peripheral Driver Library
STM32F05x Lesson 4: Timers/Counters & PWM
STM32F05x Lesson 5: ADC/DAC
STM32F05x Lesson 6: I2C
STM32F05x Lesson 7: DMA
STM32F05x Lesson 8: Low power modes

Or jump to a collection of topics that are not covered in the lessons:
