STM32F37 Standard Peripheral bibliotheek  1.0
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USART driver modules. More...



Data Structures

struct  USART_InitTypeDef
 USART Init Structure definition. More...
struct  USART_ClockInitTypeDef
 USART Clock Init Structure definition. More...


#define CR1_CLEAR_MASK
#define CR3_CLEAR_MASK   ((uint32_t)(USART_CR3_RTSE | USART_CR3_CTSE))
#define IT_MASK   ((uint32_t)0x000000FF)


void USART_DeInit (USART_TypeDef *USARTx)
 Deinitializes the USARTx peripheral registers to their default reset values. More...
void USART_Init (USART_TypeDef *USARTx, USART_InitTypeDef *USART_InitStruct)
 Initializes the USARTx peripheral according to the specified parameters in the USART_InitStruct . More...
void USART_StructInit (USART_InitTypeDef *USART_InitStruct)
 Fills each USART_InitStruct member with its default value. More...
void USART_ClockInit (USART_TypeDef *USARTx, USART_ClockInitTypeDef *USART_ClockInitStruct)
 Initializes the USARTx peripheral Clock according to the specified parameters in the USART_ClockInitStruct. More...
void USART_ClockStructInit (USART_ClockInitTypeDef *USART_ClockInitStruct)
 Fills each USART_ClockInitStruct member with its default value. More...
void USART_Cmd (USART_TypeDef *USARTx, FunctionalState NewState)
 Enables or disables the specified USART peripheral. More...
void USART_DirectionModeCmd (USART_TypeDef *USARTx, uint32_t USART_DirectionMode, FunctionalState NewState)
 Enables or disables the USART's transmitter or receiver. More...
void USART_SetPrescaler (USART_TypeDef *USARTx, uint8_t USART_Prescaler)
 Sets the system clock prescaler. More...
void USART_OverSampling8Cmd (USART_TypeDef *USARTx, FunctionalState NewState)
 Enables or disables the USART's 8x oversampling mode. More...
void USART_OneBitMethodCmd (USART_TypeDef *USARTx, FunctionalState NewState)
 Enables or disables the USART's one bit sampling method. More...
void USART_MSBFirstCmd (USART_TypeDef *USARTx, FunctionalState NewState)
 Enables or disables the USART's most significant bit first transmitted/received following the start bit. More...
void USART_DataInvCmd (USART_TypeDef *USARTx, FunctionalState NewState)
 Enables or disables the binary data inversion. More...
void USART_InvPinCmd (USART_TypeDef *USARTx, uint32_t USART_InvPin, FunctionalState NewState)
 Enables or disables the Pin(s) active level inversion. More...
void USART_SWAPPinCmd (USART_TypeDef *USARTx, FunctionalState NewState)
 Enables or disables the swap Tx/Rx pins. More...
void USART_ReceiverTimeOutCmd (USART_TypeDef *USARTx, FunctionalState NewState)
 Enables or disables the receiver Time Out feature. More...
void USART_SetReceiverTimeOut (USART_TypeDef *USARTx, uint32_t USART_ReceiverTimeOut)
 Sets the receiver Time Out value. More...
void USART_STOPModeCmd (USART_TypeDef *USARTx, FunctionalState NewState)
 Enables or disables the specified USART peripheral in STOP Mode. More...
void USART_StopModeWakeUpSourceConfig (USART_TypeDef *USARTx, uint32_t USART_WakeUpSource)
 Selects the USART WakeUp method form stop mode. More...
void USART_AutoBaudRateCmd (USART_TypeDef *USARTx, FunctionalState NewState)
 Enables or disables the Auto Baud Rate. More...
void USART_AutoBaudRateConfig (USART_TypeDef *USARTx, uint32_t USART_AutoBaudRate)
 Selects the USART auto baud rate method. More...
void USART_SendData (USART_TypeDef *USARTx, uint16_t Data)
 Transmits single data through the USARTx peripheral. More...
uint16_t USART_ReceiveData (USART_TypeDef *USARTx)
 Returns the most recent received data by the USARTx peripheral. More...
void USART_SetAddress (USART_TypeDef *USARTx, uint8_t USART_Address)
 Sets the address of the USART node. More...
void USART_MuteModeWakeUpConfig (USART_TypeDef *USARTx, uint32_t USART_WakeUp)
 Selects the USART WakeUp method from mute mode. More...
void USART_MuteModeCmd (USART_TypeDef *USARTx, FunctionalState NewState)
 Enables or disables the USART's mute mode. More...
void USART_AddressDetectionConfig (USART_TypeDef *USARTx, uint32_t USART_AddressLength)
 Configure the the USART Address detection length. More...
void USART_LINBreakDetectLengthConfig (USART_TypeDef *USARTx, uint32_t USART_LINBreakDetectLength)
 Sets the USART LIN Break detection length. More...
void USART_LINCmd (USART_TypeDef *USARTx, FunctionalState NewState)
 Enables or disables the USART's LIN mode. More...
void USART_HalfDuplexCmd (USART_TypeDef *USARTx, FunctionalState NewState)
 Enables or disables the USART's Half Duplex communication. More...
void USART_SmartCardCmd (USART_TypeDef *USARTx, FunctionalState NewState)
 Enables or disables the USART's Smart Card mode. More...
void USART_SmartCardNACKCmd (USART_TypeDef *USARTx, FunctionalState NewState)
 Enables or disables NACK transmission. More...
void USART_SetGuardTime (USART_TypeDef *USARTx, uint8_t USART_GuardTime)
 Sets the specified USART guard time. More...
void USART_SetAutoRetryCount (USART_TypeDef *USARTx, uint8_t USART_AutoCount)
 Sets the Smart Card number of retries in transmit and receive. More...
void USART_SetBlockLength (USART_TypeDef *USARTx, uint8_t USART_BlockLength)
 Sets the Smart Card Block length. More...
void USART_IrDAConfig (USART_TypeDef *USARTx, uint32_t USART_IrDAMode)
 Configures the USART's IrDA interface. More...
void USART_IrDACmd (USART_TypeDef *USARTx, FunctionalState NewState)
 Enables or disables the USART's IrDA interface. More...
void USART_DECmd (USART_TypeDef *USARTx, FunctionalState NewState)
 Enables or disables the USART's DE functionality. More...
void USART_DEPolarityConfig (USART_TypeDef *USARTx, uint32_t USART_DEPolarity)
 Configures the USART's DE polarity. More...
void USART_SetDEAssertionTime (USART_TypeDef *USARTx, uint32_t USART_DEAssertionTime)
 Sets the specified RS485 DE assertion time. More...
void USART_SetDEDeassertionTime (USART_TypeDef *USARTx, uint32_t USART_DEDeassertionTime)
 Sets the specified RS485 DE deassertion time. More...
void USART_DMACmd (USART_TypeDef *USARTx, uint32_t USART_DMAReq, FunctionalState NewState)
 Enables or disables the USART's DMA interface. More...
void USART_DMAReceptionErrorConfig (USART_TypeDef *USARTx, uint32_t USART_DMAOnError)
 Enables or disables the USART's DMA interface when reception error occurs. More...
void USART_ITConfig (USART_TypeDef *USARTx, uint32_t USART_IT, FunctionalState NewState)
 Enables or disables the specified USART interrupts. More...
void USART_RequestCmd (USART_TypeDef *USARTx, uint32_t USART_Request, FunctionalState NewState)
 Enables the specified USART's Request. More...
void USART_OverrunDetectionConfig (USART_TypeDef *USARTx, uint32_t USART_OVRDetection)
 Enables or disables the USART's Overrun detection. More...
FlagStatus USART_GetFlagStatus (USART_TypeDef *USARTx, uint32_t USART_FLAG)
 Checks whether the specified USART flag is set or not. More...
void USART_ClearFlag (USART_TypeDef *USARTx, uint32_t USART_FLAG)
 Clears the USARTx's pending flags. More...
ITStatus USART_GetITStatus (USART_TypeDef *USARTx, uint32_t USART_IT)
 Checks whether the specified USART interrupt has occurred or not. More...
void USART_ClearITPendingBit (USART_TypeDef *USARTx, uint32_t USART_IT)
 Clears the USARTx's interrupt pending bits. More...

Detailed Description

USART driver modules.

Macro Definition Documentation

#define CR1_CLEAR_MASK
((uint32_t)(USART_CR1_M | USART_CR1_PCE | \

< USART CR1 register clear Mask ((~(uint32_t)0xFFFFE6F3)) USART CR2 register clock bits clear Mask ((~(uint32_t)0xFFFFF0FF))

((uint32_t)(USART_CR2_CLKEN | USART_CR2_CPOL | \

USART CR3 register clear Mask ((~(uint32_t)0xFFFFFCFF))

#define CR3_CLEAR_MASK   ((uint32_t)(USART_CR3_RTSE | USART_CR3_CTSE))

USART Interrupts mask

Function Documentation

void USART_AddressDetectionConfig ( USART_TypeDef *  USARTx,
uint32_t  USART_AddressLength 

Configure the the USART Address detection length.

USARTx,:where x can be 1 or 2 or 3 to select the USART peripheral.
USART_AddressLength,:specifies the USART address length detection. This parameter can be one of the following values:
  • USART_AddressLength_4b: 4-bit address length detection
  • USART_AddressLength_7b: 7-bit address length detection
Return values
void USART_AutoBaudRateCmd ( USART_TypeDef *  USARTx,
FunctionalState  NewState 

Enables or disables the Auto Baud Rate.

USARTx,:where x can be 1 or 2 or 3 to select the USART peripheral.
NewState,:new state of the USARTx auto baud rate. This parameter can be: ENABLE or DISABLE.
Return values
void USART_AutoBaudRateConfig ( USART_TypeDef *  USARTx,
uint32_t  USART_AutoBaudRate 

Selects the USART auto baud rate method.

USARTx,:where x can be 1 or 2 or 3 to select the USART peripheral.
USART_AutoBaudRate,:specifies the selected USART auto baud rate method. This parameter can be one of the following values:
  • USART_AutoBaudRate_StartBit: Start Bit duration measurement.
  • USART_AutoBaudRate_FallingEdge: Falling edge to falling edge measurement.
This function has to be called before calling USART_Cmd() function.
Return values
void USART_ClearFlag ( USART_TypeDef *  USARTx,
uint32_t  USART_FLAG 

Clears the USARTx's pending flags.

USARTx,:where x can be 1 or 2 or 3 to select the USART peripheral.
USART_FLAG,:specifies the flag to clear. This parameter can be any combination of the following values:
  • USART_FLAG_WU: Wake up flag.
  • USART_FLAG_CM: Character match flag.
  • USART_FLAG_EOB: End of block flag.
  • USART_FLAG_RTO: Receive time out flag.
  • USART_FLAG_CTS: CTS Change flag.
  • USART_FLAG_LBD: LIN Break detection flag.
  • USART_FLAG_TC: Transmission Complete flag.
  • USART_FLAG_IDLE: IDLE line detected flag.
  • USART_FLAG_ORE: OverRun Error flag.
  • USART_FLAG_NE: Noise Error flag.
  • USART_FLAG_FE: Framing Error flag.
  • USART_FLAG_PE: Parity Errorflag.
RXNE pending bit is cleared by a read to the USART_RDR register (USART_ReceiveData()) or by writing 1 to the RXFRQ in the register USART_RQR (USART_RequestCmd()).
TC flag can be also cleared by software sequence: a read operation to USART_SR register (USART_GetFlagStatus()) followed by a write operation to USART_TDR register (USART_SendData()).
TXE flag is cleared by a write to the USART_TDR register (USART_SendData()) or by writing 1 to the TXFRQ in the register USART_RQR (USART_RequestCmd()).
SBKF flag is cleared by 1 to the SBKRQ in the register USART_RQR (USART_RequestCmd()).
Return values
void USART_ClearITPendingBit ( USART_TypeDef *  USARTx,
uint32_t  USART_IT 

Clears the USARTx's interrupt pending bits.

USARTx,:where x can be 1 or 2 or 3 to select the USART peripheral.
USART_IT,:specifies the interrupt pending bit to clear. This parameter can be one of the following values:
  • USART_IT_WU: Wake up interrupt.
  • USART_IT_CM: Character match interrupt.
  • USART_IT_EOB: End of block interrupt.
  • USART_IT_RTO: Receive time out interrupt.
  • USART_IT_CTS: CTS change interrupt.
  • USART_IT_LBD: LIN Break detection interrupt.
  • USART_IT_TC: Transmission complete interrupt.
  • USART_IT_IDLE: IDLE line detected interrupt.
  • USART_IT_ORE: OverRun Error interrupt.
  • USART_IT_NE: Noise Error interrupt.
  • USART_IT_FE: Framing Error interrupt.
  • USART_IT_PE: Parity Error interrupt.
RXNE pending bit is cleared by a read to the USART_RDR register (USART_ReceiveData()) or by writing 1 to the RXFRQ in the register USART_RQR (USART_RequestCmd()).
TC pending bit can be also cleared by software sequence: a read operation to USART_SR register (USART_GetITStatus()) followed by a write operation to USART_TDR register (USART_SendData()).
TXE pending bit is cleared by a write to the USART_TDR register (USART_SendData()) or by writing 1 to the TXFRQ in the register USART_RQR (USART_RequestCmd()).
Return values
void USART_ClockInit ( USART_TypeDef *  USARTx,
USART_ClockInitTypeDef USART_ClockInitStruct 

Initializes the USARTx peripheral Clock according to the specified parameters in the USART_ClockInitStruct.

USARTx,:where x can be 1 or 2 or 3 to select the USART peripheral.
USART_ClockInitStruct,:pointer to a USART_ClockInitTypeDef structure that contains the configuration information for the specified USART peripheral.
Return values
void USART_ClockStructInit ( USART_ClockInitTypeDef USART_ClockInitStruct)

Fills each USART_ClockInitStruct member with its default value.

USART_ClockInitStruct,:pointer to a USART_ClockInitTypeDef structure which will be initialized.
Return values
void USART_Cmd ( USART_TypeDef *  USARTx,
FunctionalState  NewState 

Enables or disables the specified USART peripheral.

USARTx,:where x can be 1 or 2 or 3 to select the USART peripheral.
NewState,:new state of the USARTx peripheral. This parameter can be: ENABLE or DISABLE.
Return values
void USART_DataInvCmd ( USART_TypeDef *  USARTx,
FunctionalState  NewState 

Enables or disables the binary data inversion.

USARTx,:where x can be 1 or 2 or 3 to select the USART peripheral.
NewState,:new defined levels for the USART data. This parameter can be:
  • ENABLE: Logical data from the data register are send/received in negative logic (1=L, 0=H). The parity bit is also inverted.
  • DISABLE: Logical data from the data register are send/received in positive logic (1=H, 0=L)
This function has to be called before calling USART_Cmd() function.
Return values
void USART_DECmd ( USART_TypeDef *  USARTx,
FunctionalState  NewState 

Enables or disables the USART's DE functionality.

USARTx,:where x can be 1 or 2 or 3 to select the USART peripheral.
NewState,:new state of the driver enable mode. This parameter can be: ENABLE or DISABLE.
Return values
void USART_DeInit ( USART_TypeDef *  USARTx)

Deinitializes the USARTx peripheral registers to their default reset values.

USARTx,:where x can be 1 or 2 or 3 to select the USART peripheral.
Return values
void USART_DEPolarityConfig ( USART_TypeDef *  USARTx,
uint32_t  USART_DEPolarity 

Configures the USART's DE polarity.

USARTx,:where x can be 1 or 2 or 3 to select the USART peripheral.
USART_DEPolarity,:specifies the DE polarity. This parameter can be one of the following values:
  • USART_DEPolarity_Low
  • USART_DEPolarity_High
Return values
void USART_DirectionModeCmd ( USART_TypeDef *  USARTx,
uint32_t  USART_DirectionMode,
FunctionalState  NewState 

Enables or disables the USART's transmitter or receiver.

USARTx,:where x can be 1 or 2 or 3 to select the USART peripheral.
USART_Direction,:specifies the USART direction. This parameter can be any combination of the following values:
  • USART_Mode_Tx: USART Transmitter
  • USART_Mode_Rx: USART Receiver
NewState,:new state of the USART transfer direction. This parameter can be: ENABLE or DISABLE.
Return values
void USART_DMACmd ( USART_TypeDef *  USARTx,
uint32_t  USART_DMAReq,
FunctionalState  NewState 

Enables or disables the USART's DMA interface.

USARTx,:where x can be 1 or 2 or 3 to select the USART peripheral.
USART_DMAReq,:specifies the DMA request. This parameter can be any combination of the following values:
  • USART_DMAReq_Tx: USART DMA transmit request
  • USART_DMAReq_Rx: USART DMA receive request
NewState,:new state of the DMA Request sources. This parameter can be: ENABLE or DISABLE.
Return values
void USART_DMAReceptionErrorConfig ( USART_TypeDef *  USARTx,
uint32_t  USART_DMAOnError 

Enables or disables the USART's DMA interface when reception error occurs.

USARTx,:where x can be 1 or 2 or 3 to select the USART peripheral.
USART_DMAOnError,:specifies the DMA status in case of reception error. This parameter can be any combination of the following values:
  • USART_DMAOnError_Enable: DMA receive request enabled when the USART DMA reception error is asserted.
  • USART_DMAOnError_Disable: DMA receive request disabled when the USART DMA reception error is asserted.
Return values
FlagStatus USART_GetFlagStatus ( USART_TypeDef *  USARTx,
uint32_t  USART_FLAG 

Checks whether the specified USART flag is set or not.

USARTx,:where x can be 1 or 2 or 3 to select the USART peripheral.
USART_FLAG,:specifies the flag to check. This parameter can be one of the following values:
  • USART_FLAG_REACK: Receive Enable acknowledge flag.
  • USART_FLAG_TEACK: Transmit Enable acknowledge flag.
  • USART_FLAG_WU: Wake up flag.
  • USART_FLAG_RWU: Receive Wake up flag.
  • USART_FLAG_SBK: Send Break flag.
  • USART_FLAG_CM: Character match flag.
  • USART_FLAG_BUSY: Busy flag.
  • USART_FLAG_ABRF: Auto baud rate flag.
  • USART_FLAG_ABRE: Auto baud rate error flag.
  • USART_FLAG_EOB: End of block flag.
  • USART_FLAG_RTO: Receive time out flag.
  • USART_FLAG_nCTSS: Inverted nCTS input bit status.
  • USART_FLAG_CTS: CTS Change flag.
  • USART_FLAG_LBD: LIN Break detection flag.
  • USART_FLAG_TXE: Transmit data register empty flag.
  • USART_FLAG_TC: Transmission Complete flag.
  • USART_FLAG_RXNE: Receive data register not empty flag.
  • USART_FLAG_IDLE: Idle Line detection flag.
  • USART_FLAG_ORE: OverRun Error flag.
  • USART_FLAG_NE: Noise Error flag.
  • USART_FLAG_FE: Framing Error flag.
  • USART_FLAG_PE: Parity Error flag.
Return values
Thenew state of USART_FLAG (SET or RESET).
ITStatus USART_GetITStatus ( USART_TypeDef *  USARTx,
uint32_t  USART_IT 

Checks whether the specified USART interrupt has occurred or not.

USARTx,:where x can be 1 or 2 or 3 to select the USART peripheral.
USART_IT,:specifies the USART interrupt source to check. This parameter can be one of the following values:
  • USART_IT_WU: Wake up interrupt.
  • USART_IT_CM: Character match interrupt.
  • USART_IT_EOB: End of block interrupt.
  • USART_IT_RTO: Receive time out interrupt.
  • USART_IT_CTS: CTS change interrupt.
  • USART_IT_LBD: LIN Break detection interrupt.
  • USART_IT_TXE: Tansmit Data Register empty interrupt.
  • USART_IT_TC: Transmission complete interrupt.
  • USART_IT_RXNE: Receive Data register not empty interrupt.
  • USART_IT_IDLE: Idle line detection interrupt.
  • USART_IT_ORE: OverRun Error interrupt.
  • USART_IT_NE: Noise Error interrupt.
  • USART_IT_FE: Framing Error interrupt.
  • USART_IT_PE: Parity Error interrupt.
Return values
Thenew state of USART_IT (SET or RESET).
void USART_HalfDuplexCmd ( USART_TypeDef *  USARTx,
FunctionalState  NewState 

Enables or disables the USART's Half Duplex communication.

USARTx,:where x can be 1 or 2 or 3 to select the USART peripheral.
NewState,:new state of the USART Communication. This parameter can be: ENABLE or DISABLE.
Return values
void USART_Init ( USART_TypeDef *  USARTx,
USART_InitTypeDef USART_InitStruct 

Initializes the USARTx peripheral according to the specified parameters in the USART_InitStruct .

USARTx,:where x can be 1 or 2 or 3 to select the USART peripheral.
USART_InitStruct,:pointer to a USART_InitTypeDef structure that contains the configuration information for the specified USART peripheral.
Return values
void USART_InvPinCmd ( USART_TypeDef *  USARTx,
uint32_t  USART_InvPin,
FunctionalState  NewState 

Enables or disables the Pin(s) active level inversion.

USARTx,:where x can be 1 or 2 or 3 to select the USART peripheral.
USART_InvPin,:specifies the USART pin(s) to invert. This parameter can be any combination of the following values:
  • USART_InvPin_Tx: USART Tx pin active level inversion.
  • USART_InvPin_Rx: USART Rx pin active level inversion.
NewState,:new active level status for the USART pin(s). This parameter can be:
  • ENABLE: pin(s) signal values are inverted (Vdd =0, Gnd =1).
  • DISABLE: pin(s) signal works using the standard logic levels (Vdd =1, Gnd =0).
This function has to be called before calling USART_Cmd() function.
Return values
void USART_IrDACmd ( USART_TypeDef *  USARTx,
FunctionalState  NewState 

Enables or disables the USART's IrDA interface.

USARTx,:where x can be 1 or 2 or 3 to select the USART peripheral.
NewState,:new state of the IrDA mode. This parameter can be: ENABLE or DISABLE.
Return values
void USART_IrDAConfig ( USART_TypeDef *  USARTx,
uint32_t  USART_IrDAMode 

Configures the USART's IrDA interface.

USARTx,:where x can be 1 or 2 or 3 to select the USART peripheral.
USART_IrDAMode,:specifies the IrDA mode. This parameter can be one of the following values:
  • USART_IrDAMode_LowPower
  • USART_IrDAMode_Normal
Return values
void USART_ITConfig ( USART_TypeDef *  USARTx,
uint32_t  USART_IT,
FunctionalState  NewState 

Enables or disables the specified USART interrupts.

USARTx,:where x can be 1 or 2 or 3 to select the USART peripheral.
USART_IT,:specifies the USART interrupt sources to be enabled or disabled. This parameter can be one of the following values:
  • USART_IT_WU: Wake up interrupt.
  • USART_IT_CM: Character match interrupt.
  • USART_IT_EOB: End of block interrupt.
  • USART_IT_RTO: Receive time out interrupt.
  • USART_IT_CTS: CTS change interrupt.
  • USART_IT_LBD: LIN Break detection interrupt.
  • USART_IT_TXE: Tansmit Data Register empty interrupt.
  • USART_IT_TC: Transmission complete interrupt.
  • USART_IT_RXNE: Receive Data register not empty interrupt.
  • USART_IT_IDLE: Idle line detection interrupt.
  • USART_IT_PE: Parity Error interrupt.
  • USART_IT_ERR: Error interrupt(Frame error, noise error, overrun error)
NewState,:new state of the specified USARTx interrupts. This parameter can be: ENABLE or DISABLE.
Return values
void USART_LINBreakDetectLengthConfig ( USART_TypeDef *  USARTx,
uint32_t  USART_LINBreakDetectLength 

Sets the USART LIN Break detection length.

USARTx,:where x can be 1 or 2 or 3 to select the USART peripheral.
USART_LINBreakDetectLength,:specifies the LIN break detection length. This parameter can be one of the following values:
  • USART_LINBreakDetectLength_10b: 10-bit break detection
  • USART_LINBreakDetectLength_11b: 11-bit break detection
Return values
void USART_LINCmd ( USART_TypeDef *  USARTx,
FunctionalState  NewState 

Enables or disables the USART's LIN mode.

USARTx,:where x can be 1 or 2 or 3 to select the USART peripheral.
NewState,:new state of the USART LIN mode. This parameter can be: ENABLE or DISABLE.
Return values
void USART_MSBFirstCmd ( USART_TypeDef *  USARTx,
FunctionalState  NewState 

Enables or disables the USART's most significant bit first transmitted/received following the start bit.

USARTx,:where x can be 1 or 2 or 3 to select the USART peripheral.
NewState,:new state of the USART most significant bit first transmitted/received following the start bit. This parameter can be: ENABLE or DISABLE.
This function has to be called before calling USART_Cmd() function.
Return values
void USART_MuteModeCmd ( USART_TypeDef *  USARTx,
FunctionalState  NewState 

Enables or disables the USART's mute mode.

USARTx,:where x can be 1 or 2 or 3 to select the USART peripheral.
NewState,:new state of the USART mute mode. This parameter can be: ENABLE or DISABLE.
Return values
void USART_MuteModeWakeUpConfig ( USART_TypeDef *  USARTx,
uint32_t  USART_WakeUp 

Selects the USART WakeUp method from mute mode.

USARTx,:where x can be 1 or 2 or 3 to select the USART peripheral.
USART_WakeUp,:specifies the USART wakeup method. This parameter can be one of the following values:
  • USART_WakeUp_IdleLine: WakeUp by an idle line detection
  • USART_WakeUp_AddressMark: WakeUp by an address mark
Return values
void USART_OneBitMethodCmd ( USART_TypeDef *  USARTx,
FunctionalState  NewState 

Enables or disables the USART's one bit sampling method.

USARTx,:where x can be 1 or 2 or 3 to select the USART peripheral.
NewState,:new state of the USART one bit sampling method. This parameter can be: ENABLE or DISABLE.
This function has to be called before calling USART_Cmd() function.
Return values
void USART_OverrunDetectionConfig ( USART_TypeDef *  USARTx,
uint32_t  USART_OVRDetection 

Enables or disables the USART's Overrun detection.

USARTx,:where x can be 1 or 2 or 3 to select the USART peripheral.
USART_OVRDetection,:specifies the OVR detection status in case of OVR error. This parameter can be any combination of the following values:
  • USART_OVRDetection_Enable: OVR error detection enabled when the USART OVR error is asserted.
  • USART_OVRDetection_Disable: OVR error detection disabled when the USART OVR error is asserted.
Return values
void USART_OverSampling8Cmd ( USART_TypeDef *  USARTx,
FunctionalState  NewState 

Enables or disables the USART's 8x oversampling mode.

USARTx,:where x can be 1 or 2 or 3 to select the USART peripheral.
NewState,:new state of the USART 8x oversampling mode. This parameter can be: ENABLE or DISABLE.
This function has to be called before calling USART_Init() function in order to have correct baudrate Divider value.
Return values
uint16_t USART_ReceiveData ( USART_TypeDef *  USARTx)

Returns the most recent received data by the USARTx peripheral.

USARTx,:where x can be 1 or 2 or 3 to select the USART peripheral.
Return values
Thereceived data.
void USART_ReceiverTimeOutCmd ( USART_TypeDef *  USARTx,
FunctionalState  NewState 

Enables or disables the receiver Time Out feature.

USARTx,:where x can be 1 or 2 or 3 to select the USART peripheral.
NewState,:new state of the USARTx receiver Time Out. This parameter can be: ENABLE or DISABLE.
Return values
void USART_RequestCmd ( USART_TypeDef *  USARTx,
uint32_t  USART_Request,
FunctionalState  NewState 

Enables the specified USART's Request.

USARTx,:where x can be 1 or 2 or 3 to select the USART peripheral.
USART_Request,:specifies the USART request. This parameter can be any combination of the following values:
  • USART_Request_TXFRQ: Transmit data flush ReQuest
  • USART_Request_RXFRQ: Receive data flush ReQuest
  • USART_Request_MMRQ: Mute Mode ReQuest
  • USART_Request_SBKRQ: Send Break ReQuest
  • USART_Request_ABRRQ: Auto Baud Rate ReQuest
NewState,:new state of the DMA interface when reception error occurs. This parameter can be: ENABLE or DISABLE.
Return values
void USART_SendData ( USART_TypeDef *  USARTx,
uint16_t  Data 

Transmits single data through the USARTx peripheral.

USARTx,:where x can be 1 or 2 or 3 to select the USART peripheral.
Data,:the data to transmit.
Return values
void USART_SetAddress ( USART_TypeDef *  USARTx,
uint8_t  USART_Address 

Sets the address of the USART node.

USARTx,:where x can be 1 or 2 or 3 to select the USART peripheral.
USART_Address,:Indicates the address of the USART node.
Return values
void USART_SetAutoRetryCount ( USART_TypeDef *  USARTx,
uint8_t  USART_AutoCount 

Sets the Smart Card number of retries in transmit and receive.

USARTx,:where x can be 1 or 2 or 3 to select the USART peripheral.
USART_AutoCount,:specifies the Smart Card auto retry count.
Return values
void USART_SetBlockLength ( USART_TypeDef *  USARTx,
uint8_t  USART_BlockLength 

Sets the Smart Card Block length.

USARTx,:where x can be 1 or 2 or 3 to select the USART peripheral.
USART_BlockLength,:specifies the Smart Card block length.
Return values
void USART_SetDEAssertionTime ( USART_TypeDef *  USARTx,
uint32_t  USART_DEAssertionTime 

Sets the specified RS485 DE assertion time.

USARTx,:where x can be 1 or 2 or 3 to select the USART peripheral.
USART_DEAssertionTime,:specifies the time between the activation of the DE signal and the beginning of the start bit
Return values
void USART_SetDEDeassertionTime ( USART_TypeDef *  USARTx,
uint32_t  USART_DEDeassertionTime 

Sets the specified RS485 DE deassertion time.

USARTx,:where x can be 1 or 2 or 3 to select the USART peripheral.
USART_DeassertionTime,:specifies the time between the middle of the last stop bit in a transmitted message and the de-activation of the DE signal
Return values
void USART_SetGuardTime ( USART_TypeDef *  USARTx,
uint8_t  USART_GuardTime 

Sets the specified USART guard time.

USARTx,:where x can be 1 or 2 or 3 to select the USART peripheral.
USART_GuardTime,:specifies the guard time.
Return values
void USART_SetPrescaler ( USART_TypeDef *  USARTx,
uint8_t  USART_Prescaler 

Sets the system clock prescaler.

USARTx,:where x can be 1 or 2 or 3 to select the USART peripheral.
USART_Prescaler,:specifies the prescaler clock.
This function has to be called before calling USART_Cmd() function.
Return values
void USART_SetReceiverTimeOut ( USART_TypeDef *  USARTx,
uint32_t  USART_ReceiverTimeOut 

Sets the receiver Time Out value.

USARTx,:where x can be 1 or 2 or 3 to select the USART peripheral.
USART_ReceiverTimeOut,:specifies the Receiver Time Out value.
Return values
void USART_SmartCardCmd ( USART_TypeDef *  USARTx,
FunctionalState  NewState 

Enables or disables the USART's Smart Card mode.

USARTx,:where x can be 1 or 2 or 3 to select the USART peripheral.
NewState,:new state of the Smart Card mode. This parameter can be: ENABLE or DISABLE.
Return values
void USART_SmartCardNACKCmd ( USART_TypeDef *  USARTx,
FunctionalState  NewState 

Enables or disables NACK transmission.

USARTx,:where x can be 1 or 2 or 3 to select the USART peripheral.
NewState,:new state of the NACK transmission. This parameter can be: ENABLE or DISABLE.
Return values
void USART_STOPModeCmd ( USART_TypeDef *  USARTx,
FunctionalState  NewState 

Enables or disables the specified USART peripheral in STOP Mode.

USARTx,:where x can be 1 or 2 or 3 to select the USART peripheral.
NewState,:new state of the USARTx peripheral state in stop mode. This parameter can be: ENABLE or DISABLE.
This function has to be called when USART clock is set to HSI or LSE.
Return values
void USART_StopModeWakeUpSourceConfig ( USART_TypeDef *  USARTx,
uint32_t  USART_WakeUpSource 

Selects the USART WakeUp method form stop mode.

USARTx,:where x can be 1 or 2 or 3 to select the USART peripheral.
USART_WakeUp,:specifies the selected USART wakeup method. This parameter can be one of the following values:
  • USART_WakeUpSource_AddressMatch: WUF active on address match.
  • USART_WakeUpSource_StartBit: WUF active on Start bit detection.
  • USART_WakeUpSource_RXNE: WUF active on RXNE.
This function has to be called before calling USART_Cmd() function.
Return values
void USART_StructInit ( USART_InitTypeDef USART_InitStruct)

Fills each USART_InitStruct member with its default value.

USART_InitStruct,:pointer to a USART_InitTypeDef structure which will be initialized.
Return values
void USART_SWAPPinCmd ( USART_TypeDef *  USARTx,
FunctionalState  NewState 

Enables or disables the swap Tx/Rx pins.

USARTx,:where x can be 1 or 2 or 3 to select the USART peripheral.
NewState,:new state of the USARTx TX/RX pins pinout. This parameter can be:
  • ENABLE: The TX and RX pins functions are swapped.
  • DISABLE: TX/RX pins are used as defined in standard pinout
This function has to be called before calling USART_Cmd() function.
Return values