STM32F2 Standard Peripheral bibliotheek  1.0
ST Microelectronics bibliotheek documentatie voor de STM32F2 Standard Peripheral Library
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file  misc.c
 This file provides all the miscellaneous firmware functions (add-on to CMSIS functions).
file  stm32f2xx_adc.c
 This file provides firmware functions to manage the following functionalities of the Analog to Digital Convertor (ADC) peripheral:
file  stm32f2xx_can.c
 This file provides firmware functions to manage the following functionalities of the Controller area network (CAN) peripheral:
file  stm32f2xx_crc.c
 This file provides all the CRC firmware functions.
file  stm32f2xx_cryp.c
 This file provides firmware functions to manage the following functionalities of the Cryptographic processor (CRYP) peripheral:
file  stm32f2xx_cryp_aes.c
 This file provides high level functions to encrypt and decrypt an input message using AES in ECB/CBC/CTR modes. It uses the stm32f2xx_cryp.c/.h drivers to access the STM32F2xx CRYP peripheral.
file  stm32f2xx_cryp_des.c
 This file provides high level functions to encrypt and decrypt an input message using DES in ECB/CBC modes. It uses the stm32f2xx_cryp.c/.h drivers to access the STM32F2xx CRYP peripheral.
file  stm32f2xx_cryp_tdes.c
 This file provides high level functions to encrypt and decrypt an input message using TDES in ECB/CBC modes . It uses the stm32f2xx_cryp.c/.h drivers to access the STM32F2xx CRYP peripheral.
file  stm32f2xx_dac.c
 This file provides firmware functions to manage the following functionalities of the Digital-to-Analog Converter (DAC) peripheral:
file  stm32f2xx_dbgmcu.c
 This file provides all the DBGMCU firmware functions.
file  stm32f2xx_dcmi.c
 This file provides firmware functions to manage the following functionalities of the DCMI peripheral:
file  stm32f2xx_dma.c
 This file provides firmware functions to manage the following functionalities of the Direct Memory Access controller (DMA):
file  stm32f2xx_exti.c
 This file provides firmware functions to manage the following functionalities of the EXTI peripheral:
file  stm32f2xx_flash.c
 This file provides firmware functions to manage the following functionalities of the FLASH peripheral:
file  stm32f2xx_fsmc.c
 This file provides firmware functions to manage the following functionalities of the FSMC peripheral:
file  stm32f2xx_gpio.c
 This file provides firmware functions to manage the following functionalities of the GPIO peripheral:
file  stm32f2xx_hash.c
 This file provides firmware functions to manage the following functionalities of the HASH / HMAC Processor (HASH) peripheral:
file  stm32f2xx_hash_md5.c
 This file provides high level functions to compute the HASH MD5 and HMAC MD5 Digest of an input message. It uses the stm32f2xx_hash.c/.h drivers to access the STM32F2xx HASH peripheral.
file  stm32f2xx_hash_sha1.c
 This file provides high level functions to compute the HASH SHA1 and HMAC SHA1 Digest of an input message. It uses the stm32f2xx_hash.c/.h drivers to access the STM32F2xx HASH peripheral.
file  stm32f2xx_i2c.c
 This file provides firmware functions to manage the following functionalities of the Inter-integrated circuit (I2C)
file  stm32f2xx_iwdg.c
 This file provides firmware functions to manage the following functionalities of the Independent watchdog (IWDG) peripheral:
file  stm32f2xx_pwr.c
 This file provides firmware functions to manage the following functionalities of the Power Controller (PWR) peripheral:
file  stm32f2xx_rcc.c
 This file provides firmware functions to manage the following functionalities of the Reset and clock control (RCC) peripheral:
file  stm32f2xx_rng.c
 This file provides firmware functions to manage the following functionalities of the Random Number Generator (RNG) peripheral:
file  stm32f2xx_rtc.c
 This file provides firmware functions to manage the following functionalities of the Real-Time Clock (RTC) peripheral:
file  stm32f2xx_sdio.c
 This file provides firmware functions to manage the following functionalities of the Secure digital input/output interface (SDIO) peripheral:
file  stm32f2xx_spi.c
 This file provides firmware functions to manage the following functionalities of the Serial peripheral interface (SPI):
file  stm32f2xx_syscfg.c
 This file provides firmware functions to manage the SYSCFG peripheral.
file  stm32f2xx_tim.c
 This file provides firmware functions to manage the following functionalities of the TIM peripheral:
file  stm32f2xx_usart.c
 This file provides firmware functions to manage the following functionalities of the Universal synchronous asynchronous receiver transmitter (USART):
file  stm32f2xx_wwdg.c
 This file provides firmware functions to manage the following functionalities of the Window watchdog (WWDG) peripheral: