STM32F10,L1 en F3 USB Full Speed Device bibliotheek  1.0
ST Microelectronics USB Full Speed Device bibliotheek documentatie
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29 /* Define to prevent recursive inclusion -------------------------------------*/
30 #ifndef __USB_INIT_H
31 #define __USB_INIT_H
33 /* Includes ------------------------------------------------------------------*/
34 /* Exported types ------------------------------------------------------------*/
35 /* Exported constants --------------------------------------------------------*/
36 /* Exported macro ------------------------------------------------------------*/
37 /* Exported functions ------------------------------------------------------- */
38 void USB_Init(void);
40 /* External variables --------------------------------------------------------*/
41 /* The number of current endpoint, it will be used to specify an endpoint */
42 extern uint8_t EPindex;
43 /* The number of current device, it is an index to the Device_Table */
44 /*extern uint8_t Device_no; */
45 /* Points to the DEVICE_INFO structure of current device */
46 /* The purpose of this register is to speed up the execution */
47 extern DEVICE_INFO* pInformation;
48 /* Points to the DEVICE_PROP structure of current device */
49 /* The purpose of this register is to speed up the execution */
50 extern DEVICE_PROP* pProperty;
51 /* Temporary save the state of Rx & Tx status. */
52 /* Whenever the Rx or Tx state is changed, its value is saved */
53 /* in this variable first and will be set to the EPRB or EPRA */
54 /* at the end of interrupt process */
55 extern USER_STANDARD_REQUESTS *pUser_Standard_Requests;
57 extern uint16_t SaveState ;
58 extern uint16_t wInterrupt_Mask;
60 #endif /* __USB_INIT_H */
62 /************************ (C) COPYRIGHT STMicroelectronics *****END OF FILE****/